This peer-reviewed paper series provides a venue for comprehensive research articles and reports on a variety of security and governance topics. It endeavors to present innovative research that is both academically rigorous and policy-relevant. Authored by prominent academics, analysts, and practitioners, the CSDS Papers cover a range of topics, from geographic case studies to conceptual and thematic analysis, and are based on extensive research and field experience.

CSDS AFRICA – Securing Women’s Livelihoods

The world, in recent months, has witnessed the outbreak of the coronavirus. This has led to a global crisis as several activities in various countries have come to a standstill.

COVID-19 and Corporate Social Initiatives in Ghana

The World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, declared coronavirus (COVID -19) a global pandemic. The virus which attacks the respiratory system is said to be one of the deadliest the world has witnessed in recent times.

Hunger Virus Vs Corona Virus: The Agency of Economic Security in COVID-19 Response in Ghana

In response to the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), states around the world have elevated health concerns to the level of national security and most have instituted extraordinary measures, including restrictions on movements..

IRM Paper No. 16 – The Gradual Emergence of Second Generation Security Sector Reform in Timor-Leste

This paper is the product of a multi-year IRM research project, titled Exploring the Transition from First to Second Generation SSR in Conflict-Affected Societies. The project assesses and evaluates the impact of orthodox security sector reform programming in the conflict-affected countries of Bosnia-Herzegovina, El Salvador, Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste. Funding for this project was provided by the Folke Bernadotte Academy.

January 2017